One of those Visions from Lens

It was an evening just like every other day., But the sight of this view took me to the flight of a bird’s wing. It seemed so enlightening chopping out every frustrated blood cell in me.
Hardly by 6 pm, as a daily dose, the tiring game works on me and I end up finding reasons and asking myself ‘What the hell am I doing here?’. And here I find the solution this evening.
I am doing everything that I possibly can do best. I am working hard like the birds since morning to evening to save for the family,
I am grabbing close enough to my best opportunities like the wings spread over the cloud.
I may not be the shining sun like every day, but I assure I shine up during dawn.
I am like the peaceful breeze that soothes you, on this not so trafficked road.
Like the street lamps go lit to cover off the dark, my smile does it too when you fall behind a shadow.

I am not a billionaire or a business tycoon now., All I can say is right now I am just a simple person counting my days that I work and pour my soul into the passion. With this view of a peaceful set created by the universe, we act decided the character with costume worn.

Featuring “A place known much for its grand colonial structure and love” @Kolkata

Picture credits @Soumyadeep Choudhury, Content by @Swathi Sree

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